
The development of a Total Field Solution for water and wastewater saves capital and makes the field more efficient and productive. Our Total Field Solution strategy includes sourcing and supplying freshwater, distribution to the frac site, gathering frac and produced water from producing wells, recycling and treatment of wastewater and sludge, storage and containment, and disposal. We are a group of consolidated companies that specialize in being your one source for water and wastewater management in the oil and gas industry.


  • Sourcing

    Through geological analysis and evaluation, we identify, locate, and source the most prolific water resources for our customers. We can generate the necessary data that can provide volumes, availability, and generate critical information needed for total water sourcing and management. We can manage water and field efficiency on a 24/7 basis with event notification, and front line services, as needed. Continue Reading

  • Services

    Our goal is to work with our customers in order to identify water and wastewater issues. Determine volumes and time constraints and be able to consolidate water resources in order to meet field development objectives. To develop and construct water and wastewater infrastructure along with distribution and gathering networks. In return, our customers receive the full volume needed, at the Continue Reading

  • Disposition

    Designing optimal wastewater handling, recycling, disposal and storage systems, while maximizing volumes through multiple water sources is what we do. We can design, engineer, procure and construct SWD and recycling facilities that meet regulatory and environmental requirements. Putting the best technology in place to clean wastewater will generate additional water volumes, meet fracking demands, and lower environmental concerns. Now is Continue Reading